Thursday, July 28, 2016


Today we traveled to Grahamstown where we toured the campuses of Rhodes University and Nombulelo Secondary School.  The Inkcubeko Nendali Team at Rhodes consists  of Dr. Michele Cocks (ISER), Mr. Tony Dold (Selmar Schonland Herbarium), and Mr. Mluleki Nkosi (ISER).   The cultural development team arranged a lecture for us on Bio-Cultural Diversity which included a trip to the forest.   They also allowed us to sit in on a 10th grade Bio-Cultural Diversity Science lesson which was designed to encourage a sense of pride in cultural diversity through the things in nature. Nature is perceived as a space where ancestors occupied space. On the trip we took to the forest, along with the 10th grade class, we  focused on the value of things found in nature for medicinal, relaxation, or many other purposes.  It was a very meaningful experience and gave us a deeper understanding of the bio-culture diversity program and how lessons like it are important for students.

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